[The gift inside was the book Physiology and Biochemistry in Modern Medicine (1922) with a secret cut-out bottle shape inside that Grandpa had made long ago.]: I guess "Modern" isn't so modern anymore! And I guess it's shaped like a medicine bottle because it's a book about medicine.

(Re: the gift of a mammoth flashlight/spotlight thing, also from Grandma): LOOK WHAT I GOT!!!
The thing about tongue twisters is that you need to say them out loud or your tongue doesn't get twisted.
Whenever you guys don't know that I have a tooth under the pillow, the tooth fairy doesn't come. I think you guys call her. What's the tooth fairy's number?
I'm going to play the violin because my harmonicas are tasting really bad right now.
Mama, I have two tips for you on your bowing. Try to stay more like this and like this (demonstrating).
Can I play your tender (tenor) guitar?
(When Flycatcher babies were nesting in the eave of our front door): I have an idea. Let's avoid using that door and go around.
We're not fishers, Mama. We're anglers.
Mama, do you want to cast off the deck? It's really fun!