
Not even to the toes yet.

Mama: Julian, time to put away the book and go to sleep.
Julian: I have to finish. I'm in the middle of a footnote. I haven't even gotten to the toes yet.

I don't like my room to be too clean, Mama. That's not how I roll.

The salad spinner spins for 23 seconds with one pull!

Baba, how hot is it out there on a scale of "You should not go unicycling" to "It's OK for you to go unicycling"?

Mama: Julian, how did you learn all that info about fire management?
Julian: I don't know, I just picked up knowledge here and there and stitched it together.

Don’t you love how it feels when you jump in the pool and the bubbles go up your body?

I'll be back in a pinch.


We are all time travelers

I scattered your laundry around your room to protect you from repetitive motion injuries. Also it gives you something soft to land on in case you fall. After all, it's not the fall that's the problem, it's the landing.

Not much can be hidden from a quiet, watchful child with good eyes.

Mama. How are rust and fire similar? Rust is oxidation, fire is rapid oxidation, which creates heat, which is why you don’t find cold fire very often. 

They should invent eating gloves.

Is it possible to paint a room so much that there’s no longer room to live in it?

The oil in Eucalyptus trees is highly flammable. I wonder if cars could run on eucalyptus oil. Eucalyptus oil is too expensive, though, right?

Oopsalan Poopsalan Mobile Hair Salon

What is the solid with the lowest viscosity?

(After some crazy singing): Do you love my beautiful, floundering harmonics?

I like the ideas in Buddhism. They seem very wise. So far, it’s the religion that seems to make the most sense.

Do you ever bet yourself? I bet myself $10 a lot.

I won $10. I just bet myself that you would come up and tell me to take a shower.

We are all time travelers.

Do you know how suction cups work? The air pressure drops when the air gets pushed out. Then the air outside the suction cup pushes against it. Do you know how we survive the air pressure that is pushing on us from outside of us? Because we breath air into our bodies which neutralizes the pressure.

Mama (assessing her newly-baked loaf): Hey, this is killer bread!
J: No, life-giver!



How many eyes do I have, Mama? Seven. Two, plus two in the back of my head, my third eye, my mind's eye and my soul's eye.

When you reach a fork in the road, go to the nearest restaurant.

I'm full. I'm like, totally hash-tag-legit full.

And now, here is something fun Juju and Baba made some years back to gift a friend. The former shoebox had a few goodies inside, too.

Rockets (5 years old)

Contraptions (5 years old)

Fairfax Festival (3 years old)