
What are you going to do with your life?

Julian: "Mama, could you get me a slide whistle...sometime in the next nine months?"
Mama: "For playing in the Pep Band at the football games?"
Julian: "Yes. A slide whistle is an absolute must. It's a serious gap in my arsenal of wind instruments."

(All 17-year old Julian wants for Christmas this year is a Graphing Calculator):
Julian: "I want the 'ti84 plus ce graphing calculator'. The other model is so 1990s."
Mama: "It's not a fashion accessory."
Julian: "It is for me -- it's the closest I will get to a fashion accessory."

You don't know anything about Trigonometry, Mama? What are you going to do with your life?


The Lost Files from 12/07 (2 years old)

Newly found, lost file entries from 12/07 (aka Juju at two.):

"Close the curtains. My eyes are bright."

My friend Carlos was over and Julian ran into the room and announced "I'm a Polack!"

"I want to listen to The Magic Flute. It's my music."

While looking at an airplane contrail: "The airplane is going fast. It is going out of his skin." (Like the caterpillar shedding in the book we've been reading)

Throwing slippers into the air: "I'm juggling burritos!"

We've made a running route weaving through the house. Julian has a tradition of carrying his wooden sandwich with him and stopping every so often along the route to eat some. "Let's run around!" followed by "I need to get my sandwich."

"I'm a flying bird. I fly way way up high in the sky."

Not a symposium.

Leave me alone, I'm in The Zone, just vibin'.

You've been in my room long enough. What do you think this is, a symposium?

You're harshing my groove.

Hey Mama, hunger compels me!

Rockets (5 years old)

Contraptions (5 years old)

Fairfax Festival (3 years old)